Imitators of beauty

I have been drawn to truth, beauty, and goodness all of my life. It’s unexplainable the extent of my desire to perceive and delight in truth, to experience and create beauty, and to know the rich goodness that is felt deep in my soul with the pursuit of such virtues.

While I have been classically educating at home only a short while, this method, this approach to not only school, but life, has given me permission to live out the desires of my heart. Classical education has given me a place, a home if you will, to fully embrace God and seek Him with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. At last, a justification and explanation for the longings of my soul. Praise be to God in the highest! Not only am I finally free to pursue truth, beauty, and goodness for myself, I am burdened to do so for my children’s sake.

It’s a selfish indulgence. I am like a child, full of wonder and awe, looking deep and wide for the beautiful. I can hardly describe the scope of the search. I’m longing to hear music that is stirring and satisfying. I want to appreciate the visual as well, seeing colors anew, carefully chosen and strategically arranged by the artist. I seek thoughtfully arranged pieces of film to tell a story, to entice me in, and move my soul. I am looking for God; I have always been looking. And He is there.

I long to see the beauty of God in everything, in nature, in the arts, in the media. It’s there. Sometimes I have to look beyond the secular philosophies, but it’s there. It’s there because all creativity comes from the Creator himself. In like fashion, all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom come from the Source.

I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship. Exodus 31:3 (NASB)

We sometimes, though, cover up our beauty so fully with our human stamp that we diffuse the fingerprints of God - Who made us beautiful and gave us the command and privilege to imitate His beauty. God gave us the ability to produce works of art that can satisfy both the beauty and order we crave. These will not be perfect works of art, but will be satisfying to our souls and pleasing to God if created in perfect submission to the Giver of all good gifts.

While we usually think of the arts as only found in such areas as music and painting, God gives us so much more. If we change our perceptions, our orientations to direct ourselves to truth, we will know that God is in all things. Once that has permeated our beings, we will search for Him, for His truth, His beauty, and His goodness. We will find it, because we will find Him.

But if from there, thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 (KJV)

As with so many things of God, it is in the being captivated that we find the freedom to express the beauty He has bestowed upon us. It’s in the submission to His truth that we are liberated to rest and enjoy the abundant goodness the King has graciously given His children.

I’m so grateful for classical education. In particular, I’m thankful for Classical Conversations, the community we learn and grow with. What an amazing gift to take great delight in our highest pursuit - to know Him and make Him known - to imitate His beauty.